Provider access policy statement: model and guidance

Adapt our model to save time and stay compliant when writing or reviewing your provider access policy statement. Understand your requirements and see examples from other schools and trusts.

Last reviewed on 22 January 2024See updates
Ref: 41684
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Free schools
Pupil referral units
  1. Understand your requirements 
  2. Use our model policy statement to help you meet requirements 
  3. Examples from schools

Understand your requirements 

Give education and training providers the opportunity to talk to pupils in years 8 to 13 about approved technical qualifications and apprenticeships  Provide a minimum of 6 encounters with technical education or training providers to all pupils in years 8 to 13 (get more detail on when you should provide these in our model policy below and our article about careers requirements in secondary) Explain in a policy statement: How you will comply with the legal requirement above to provide pupils with 6 encounters with technical education or training providers, and the timing of these Any procedural requirements in relation to requests for access, e.g. the main point of contact at the school to whom requests should be directed The rules for granting and refusing access, e.g. details of careers lessons, assemblies or careers events that providers may attend. This should